Permaculture Network - Links
- Permaculture Now!
- Occidental Arts & Ecology Center (OAEC)
- Seattle Permaculture Guild
- Wild Thyme Farm
- Friends of the Trees Society - Michael Pilarski
- Northwest EcoBuilding Guild
- Rancho Mastatal
- Cob Cottage
- Emerald Earth
- Seattle Tilth
- OUR Ecovillage
- Sustainable Living Coalition - Lonnie Gamble
- Regenerative Design Institute - Penny Livingston
- Pattern Literacy - Toby Hemenway
- Lost Valley - Ecovillage & Permaculture Institute
- Alderleaf Wilderness College
- Permaculture Forums
- Terra Phoenix Design
- Living Permaculture Blog by Kai Sawyer (in both English & Japanese)
- Siskiyou Permaculture
- Cascadia Permaculture
- Permaculture Credit Union in Santa Fe, NM
- Plants for a Future
- Online Custom Suncharts for passive solar design.
- Journey to Forever - good information on biofuels.
- Commercial Timbers information database.
- Dynamic Accumulators
- NewCROPTM Database - Information on a variety of potential new crops.
- Plant Nutrient Deficiency Database
- University of Connecticut Plant Database
- Plant Propagation - Illustrated guide to asexual reproduction.
- A&L Research Labs - Soil Testing Resource
- Soil Foodweb - Dr. Elaine Ingham's excellent soil resource (compost tea, etc.)
- Silvics of North America - Guide to tree species.
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Finder
- AHS Plant Heat Zone Finder
- Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart - Comparative Info on many breeds
- The Keyline Plan by P.A. Yeomans - Online Edition
- Western Regional Climate Center - Historical Weather/Climate Data for Western States
- Oscar Jaitt Fruit Lovers Nursery
- Dripworks - Excellent source for drip irrigation systems and design.
- Burnt Ridge Nursery
- Raintree Nursery
- One Green World Nursery
- Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
- Oikos Tree Crops
- Seepage Control - Soy-based, non-liner option for sealing ponds.
- FNGLA Botanical Auctions - Source for rare or hard to find seeds.
- Blue Future Filters - Low-tech, slow sand filters for all scales.
- Fruit Trees & More - B.C. Nursery specializing in subtropicals.
- Rolling River Nursery - A great nursery in Orleans, CA run by Marc Robbi, a great grower!